- YugabyteDB Anywhere - 2.8.*
- YugabyteDB Anywhere - 2.12.*
- YugabyteDB Anywhere - 2.14.*
YugabyteDB Anywhere (YBA) UI has a limitation in the read replica cluster that it won't allow changing the node size.
To resolve the above mention issue, use the YBA REST API to update the read replica cluster to change the instance type, increase the volume size, or both. Support for resizing nodes through the YBA browser interface will be added in a future release.
Please note - This is currently supported only on AWS and GCP, and not supported on Azure.
1a. If you have not yet used the REST API, refer to the KB article How To Manage YugawareDB Anywhere Runtime Configuration Settings for instructions on how to retrieve the Customer UUID and generate a REST API authentication token.
1b. Set environment variables (best to do this in a file and source it to avoid putting the token into the shell history) in the platform node
abc@k-test:~$ export YBA_HOST=$(hostname)
abc@k-test:~$ export UUUID=8aaeXXXXXXXXX
abc@k-test:~$ export CUUID=be941XXXXXXXX
abc@k-test:~$ export TOKEN=87c77dXXXXXXX
where ${YBA_HOST}
is the hostname or IP address of the YugabyteDB Anywhere host, ${CUUID}
is the Customer UUID and $TOKEN
is the API token from step (1a) above.
2. Use the YBA REST API to GET the Universe info and write it to a JSON file:
abc@k-test:~$ curl --request GET --url https://${YBA_HOST}/api/v1/customers/${CUUID}/universes/${UUUID} --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header "X-AUTH-YW-API-TOKEN: $TOKEN" > universe.json
3. Extract universe_details_json (pretty)
abc@k-test:~$ jq '."universeDetails"' universe.json > universe_details_pretty.json
abc@k-test:~$ vi universe_details_pretty.json
or instanceType
and update as neededvolumeSize
or instanceType
abc@k-test:~$ jq -c . universe_details_pretty.json > universe_details.json
abc@k-test:~$ curl -d @universe_details.json --request POST --url https://${YBA_HOST}/api/v1/customers/${CUUID}/universes/${UUUID}/upgrade/resize_node --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header "X-AUTH-YW-API-TOKEN: $TOKEN"
In case of “something went wrong” errors while executing the resize please review the YBA
To collect application logs, please follow these steps.
*Running platform using replicated
Run the following command from the platform node:
sudo docker logs yugaware > /tmp/yugaware.log
*Running platform using Kubernetes
Run kubectl logs
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