- YugabyteDB Anywhere - 2.x where x is any supported version
When creating a provider programmatically, the longitude and lattitude are not added so the map box in the UI does not show where the provider is.
- Note: This has no other functionality other than to show the position on the world map.
In order to have the co-ordinates added, there is a table called public.region which has fields longitude and b that need to be updated.
The table definition is:
TABLE public.region (
uuid uuid NOT NULL,
code character varying(25) NOT NULL,
name character varying(100) NOT NULL,
yb_image character varying(255),
longitude double precision,
latitude double precision,
provider_uuid uuid,
active boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
details json,
config json
The co-ordinates are shown as in the following screenshot:
1. Connect to the ‘postgres’ container of platform
sudo docker exec -it postgres bash
2. Connect to the metadata database
psql -U postgres -d yugaware
3. You can add or update rows here, e.g.
update public.region
set latitude = 00.000000, longitude=00.000000 where name='<universe_name>';
Additional Information
The detail above is for a vm/server, if you are using Kubernetes, you would need to connect to the relevant container first.
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