Environment/Cluster Versions Affected
On a newly added or on an existing tablet server (tserver), it may happen that the data is not being replicated/written into a tablet server.
The resolution involves investigation of tserver status and the load balancer status.
Check tserver Status
1. Check whether the tserver process on the node is running. Log into the node via ssh and run the following command:
/home/yugabyte/bin/yb-server-ctl.sh tserver status
If the tserver is running, you will get an output like following:
yb-tserver running with pid 10062
If the tserver is not running, you will get an output like following:
yb-tserver is not running
Start tserver (if not running)
1. Via the Platform UI, on the Nodes tab, in Actions dropdown, click Start Processes to start the processes on the node
2. If you are NOT able start the tserver via the Actions dropdown, you can start it with the following command on the node itself:
/home/yugabyte/bin/yb-server-ctl.sh tserver start
Starting yb-tserver on <hostname>
To verify whether the tserver has started or not, again the run the status command. You may also tail the yb-tserver.info logs in the /home/yugabyte/tserver/logs dir and look for any error that might be preventing the tserver from starting.
3. Check whether the load balancer is enabled using the following command:
yb-admin -master_addresses <MASTER_ADDRESS>:7100 get_load_balancer_state
is the IP address of the master leader node.
The output of the following command would be similar to the output below:
Master UUID RPC Host/Port State Role Load Balancer State
df1b1c81a1f34607b61bb80bb0c5f43b ALIVE FOLLOWER DISABLED
f3df905ba25e4576b39ef4cc3c9b617e ALIVE LEADER DISABLED
Check tserver Status
As we can see, the load balancer is disabled for this cluster. If the load balancer is disabled, the system will not migrate tablets from node to node. Therefore, we need to enable the load balancer to rebalance the tablets.
Enable Load Balancer
yb-admin -master_addresses <MASTER_ADDRESS>:7100 set_load_balancer_enabled 1
is the IP address of the master leader node.get_load_balancer_state
option of the yb-admin
, as seen below:yb-admin -master_addresses, get_load_balancer_state
Master UUID RPC Host/Port State Role Load Balancer State
df1b1c81a1f34607b61bb80bb0c5f43b ALIVE FOLLOWER ENABLED
f3df905ba25e4576b39ef4cc3c9b617e ALIVE LEADER ENABLED

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