Yugabyte version- 2.12.5
The BACKUP page just spins and fails to bring up the UI as shown in the below screenshot
Resolution :
To resolve this issue, follow the below mention steps:
Step 1: Find out the number of backups in a given universe
select count(*) from backup where backup_info->>'universeUUID' = '<your_uuid_here>’;
Step 2: Find out backups older than 10 days for a given universe:
select count(*) from backup where backup_info->>'universeUUID' = '<universe_uuid_here>' and create_time < NOW() - INTERVAL '10 DAY';
Step 3: Create a temp table which keeps backup of the current backup table:
create table backup_temp as (select * from backup);
Step 4: Delete backup older than 10 days for a given universe
delete from backup where backup_info->>'universeUUID' = '<universe_uuid_here>' and create_time < NOW() - INTERVAL '10 DAY';
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